explore Familia Peluche Costumes sale
"Familia Peluche" is a popular Mexican television sitcom that has gained a lot of attention for its humor, relatable characters and unique costumes. The show, created by Eugenio Derbez, tells the story of the lives of a fictional family of beauty, portraying their daily experiences in a humorous way
The distinguishing feature of "Familia Peluche" is its variety of costumes, each of which helps to reflect the character of its impressive cast members Costumes are not only costumes but important elements of the show's identity, reflecting the personalities and quirks of the dressers
Leading the fashion line is the family patriarch Ludovico Plush, known for his unique styles and sense of humor. Ludovico's fashion is usually colorful and flashy, reflecting his stylish and elegant personality. Her outfits generally consist of bright shirts, patterned trousers and solid accessories, reflecting her larger-than-life personality.
Similarly, Ludovico’s wife Federica is known for her fashionable but practical choices. Federica’s clothes exude elegance and sophistication, with tailored dresses, elegant blouses and elegant accessories that highlight her role as the matriarch of the luxury house
The couple’s children Junior and Bibi also have their own unique fashion sense. Junior's clothes often reflect her youthful energy and love of sport, featuring sportswear, dresses and sneakers that echo her adventurous spirit while Bibi's clothes reflect her sporty and girly look, with colorful, playful patterns and trends that capture her bubbly personality
Ludovico's parents Ludoviquito and other supporting characters